
I work with The Student LINC Ministry and The Coaching Center with Cru.

These Coaching Tips are intended to help you launch and build new ministries on high school and college campuses where we don’t have staff. Also, I talk about reaching into other communities on campuses with existing ministries.

I write about practical steps that you can take in evangelism and discipleship. I assume you are using a variety of coaching methods including distance approaches.

Typically, I write at the beginning of the week and try to make the topic pertinent to the time of the campus year, so that you can actually use the tip in your own ministry efforts during the week.

I would be honored to have you subscribe to my blog.

I placed my faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior my very first week at Penn State as a freshman. I became involved with Cru right away and upon graduation joined as a full-time staff member. I recently celebrated 38 years with Cru. The first two years were at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Then I spent a year at Boston College. After getting married, my wife and I worked at the University of Rhode Island and stayed there for eleven years.

I have spent the last 23 years at our world headquarters in Orlando helping others launch and build new ministries.

I am married to Chris. We have three sons and three grandchildren.

My wife and I are active in our church, Northland, A Church Distributed. I run and I love to read history and classic literature.

Gilbert Kingsley


18 thoughts on “About

  1. rich duffield

    How can I get my hands on a copy of the Catalytic Journal and the Disciple’s Journal (or something like that). I just heard about them this weekend and would like to see them.

  2. Gilbert Kingsley Post author

    Hi, Rich,
    You can call 1-800-678-5462, our Student LINC office. Ask for any or all of the journals.
    Metro Journal, published 1999
    Distance Ministry Journal, published 1999
    Catalytic Journal, published 2002. This one has content that is general to all catalytic and sections specific to both metro and distance.

  3. Alan Champkins

    Greetings from South Africa. I work for Scripture Union as a Camp Director doing a fair amount of Christian leadership training and evangelism with youth and children. I am interested in joining the mailing list and also having access to some of your resources (A Disciples journey and Catalytic Journal plus others?) if possible. Would be most grateful if you could email them to me or provide a link to a website.
    Many thanks

  4. Tony Whittaker

    Dear Gilbert

    I’m the coordinator for Internet Evangelism Day and hope that maybe our resources would help you as you encourage new ministries to happen.

    One useful resource I just heard of is a Facebook application that enables Christians to add an evangelistic block to their Facebook profile. I believe that EveryStudent is also working on something similar. There’s big potential for something like this.

    As, indeed, there is for
    mobile devices.

    I can’t see your email address on the blog, so may I write to you this way.



  5. Renee Williams

    Hey Gilbert
    Remember me down in Miami? I just printed out some stuff from your tip a few weeks ago for the team (leaders and getting ready for next year) and wanted to say thanks. I always find your tips helpful, thoughtful, especially timely, relevant and right on!!! I feel that if we applied what you send our way we would see the results and the kingdom would be expanded.

    Please keep doing what you are doing!!!

  6. Brian Metzer

    Hi, Gilbert, could you add me to the email list for coaching tips (if it is different from the blog posts – I’ve RSSd the blog to my inbox). Thanks!

  7. Peterson

    Dear servant of God
    Greetings and happy new year 2011.I’am Pr.Peterson from Kenya having blessed
    with 37 adult members in our congregation and 13 orphans,poor and disabled whom we
    need to give care and train and teach them God’s teachings as they mis
    completely parental love and humanitarian needs. And much touched with your
    website profile with the way you’re serving the Living God and spiritual touched
    and seek for affilliation request with your beloved Ministry to teach and
    train us in order to make God’s Love and Word to reach every corner of the
    world,more so in Kenya.

    Our church vision is:

    1.Preaching and spreading God’s Word to save the lost souls and
    2.Teaching,training and giving care to dire orphans and widows in the

    Prayer needs.
    1.Church planting to spread the Gospel of God
    2.For Holly Bibles in our local language.
    To care for dire orphans and disabled in the community humanitarians needs.The two madams are volunteers and the one who assisting and helping these dire orphans in teachings and training them academically and spiritually.Brothers and sisters in the Lord we need your much of your prayers too,together with the needs of our dire orphans to meet their humanitarian needs,such Food,cloths and shelter,with the school needs such us pens,school bags,shoes,school uniforms,token for two madams and books for reading and writing.In this project will not continue as it was started by my grandparents in the community Who died for almost 2 years ago.Wheni talk about these dire orphans my eyes pass out tears for i have been touched spiritual to continue with this project of caring them to meet parental Love.The project is to die up if i do stop helping with the little God blesses us.
    We open doors to you to Kenya and come to see,explore the stituation in person
    what God’s doing to us in His kingdom and as you keep us in prayers.
    Praying for you.

  8. cpm815

    Hey Gilbert … Chris Mitchell here (URI 1990). Just checking in to say thank you for pouring your love and life into my way back in the 80s. It STILL pays off πŸ™‚ … I think about you a lot, as a pastor, leader, but more so as a follower of Christ. Much Love, Chris and Cindi Mitchell


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